CIDER (Classification of Intrinsically Disordered Ensemble Regions) is a webserver developed by the Pappu lab, at Washington University in St. Louis. CIDER allows for the calculation of many different parameters associated with disordered protein sequences. Although it can generate values for any protein sequence, understanding what those parameters mean is crucial for their correct usage. As a result, we recommend consulting the associated references before using them.
As of summer 2016, CIDER is in full release mode. This means that, having recieved feedback and comments for the last year or so, we are confident in CIDER's ability to perform the relevant analysis. If you have additional feedback regarding things you like or dislike about the interface, additional parameters of interest, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Comments should be addressed to
The CIDER & localCIDER manuscript has been accepted in Biophysical Journal! To celebrate, we have released CIDER 1.7. This runs on the localcider 0.1.11 backend, and includes calculations of the Ω parameter in the downloadable sequence information and improved help-text description (thanks Xiaohan!). In addition, an improved sequence coloring schema has been introduced; glycine is now colored as a polar amino acid (as it should always have been) and aromatic residues (Tyr, Phe, and Trp) are now colored orange.
CIDER 1.6 has (finally) been released! This marks the full release of CIDER with the 'beta' label turned off - as of Sept 2016, CIDER has analyzed around thirty sequences a day for the last two years!
CIDER 1.6 now uses localCIDER 0.1.8 on the backend, and includes a bug fix to deal with unicode input as well as various other performance enhancements.
CIDER 1.5 has been released. This now runs on localCIDER 0.1.7, which includes an improved method for making linear sequence plots (coloured bar charts instead of line plots).
CIDER won the IDP subgroup student research achievment award at this year's biophysical society meeting.
CIDER 1.4 now uses the updated localCIDER 0.1.4 as its backend. This includes a number of bug fixes and an improvement on the classification of sequences into phase space.
CIDER 1.3 released to the public!.